Autumn is upon us, and with it comes the beloved season of pumpkin spice lattes. But today, we’ve got a fun twist for you to enjoy these seasonal delights!
We’re challenging you to find the odd pumpkin spice latte among a sea of them in just 15 seconds. Think you’ve got what it takes? Let’s dive in.
Instructions for the challenge
Here’s how it works: Below, you’ll find an image filled with pumpkin spice lattes. Your task is to find the one that stands out from the rest. You have only 15 seconds, so sharpen your focus and get ready to put your observation skills to the test.

Tips and tricks
To succeed in this challenge, you’ll need to pay close attention to details. Look for differences in color, shape, or any small anomalies that might set the odd latte apart.
Sometimes, the smallest discrepancies can make all the difference. Keep your eyes moving and your mind sharp!
Stay motivated
We know this isn’t an easy task, but that’s what makes it exciting! Whether you find the odd pumpkin spice latte or not, the important thing is to challenge yourself and have fun.
Remember, each attempt improves your skills, making you sharper for the next test.
The answer
Did you find the odd one out? If so, congratulations! You’re among the keen-eyed few who can spot the smallest of differences. If not, don’t worry—there’s always room for improvement and plenty more opportunities to practice.
Below is the solution image where the odd pumpkin spice latte is highlighted.

We regularly post these kinds of visual puzzles and tests, so keep an eye out for more opportunities to hone your skills. Each test is a new chance to challenge yourself and improve.
If you enjoyed this visual test, don’t forget to share it with your friends on your social networks. Spread the challenge and see who among your circle has the sharpest eyes. Happy hunting!