Are you ready to put your mathematical riddle-solving skills to the test? Today’s brainteaser is perfect for those who love challenges and have a keen eye for detail.
We challenge you to solve an equation in just 15 seconds by moving only one matchstick. Does it sound impossible? Don’t underestimate yourself! This puzzle requires quick thinking and cleverness, so grab a stopwatch and get ready to prove your skills.
Curious to see if you can do it? So, what are you waiting for? Start the challenge now and see if you’re up to the task!
The Mathematical Brainteaser
Today’s puzzle is a bit different from the usual. We challenge you to solve an equation written with matchsticks. The equation is written incorrectly, and your task is to find which matchstick to move to make it correct.
But here’s the catch: you only have 15 seconds to solve it! Are you ready? The initial equation is 8-1=2. Grab a stopwatch and, when you’re ready, start the countdown!

The Initial Equation
This is the initial equation you need to correct: 8-1=2. At first glance, it seems impossible to solve by moving just one matchstick, but trust us, there is a solution!
Think carefully about how the matchsticks can be rearranged to form a new, correct equation.
The Challenge
You only have 15 seconds to find the solution. Take your time to observe the equation and envision where you could move a single matchstick to transform the equation into something logical and correct.
Remember, the goal is to find the solution by moving just one matchstick.
The Solution
Did you manage to find the solution? If not, don’t worry, here’s the answer: move one matchstick from the number 8 to turn it into a 9. This will give you the correct equation 9-7=2.
Congratulations if you managed to solve it in less than 15 seconds! If not, don’t worry, there will be more opportunities to improve.

Did you enjoy this brainteaser? Share it with your friends on social media and challenge them to solve it in less than 15 seconds! Who will be the quickest among you? We can’t wait to find out who will solve this intriguing mathematical puzzle. Good luck!